Friday 30 November 2012

How to Make Your Blog Dofollow

"Computer Tips" Of course, besides Plus Dofollow blogs there are downsides.
First - to attract spammers. Part of the problem can be solved by installing the add-on modules, such as,  Akismet - spam protection. Or moderation produce manually.
The second - the complexity of monetization. Advertisers will not post their guards and paid reviews on pages with a lot of outbound links.
There are several ways to make your blog Dofollow . The easiest - is to install a plugin. So we did.Here are some "Computer Tricks" which you can use to make your blog Dofollow.
For this we will use the plugin CommentLuv . We go to the admin area of your blog and choose the console section"Plugins" and subsection "Add new" .

Wednesday 28 November 2012

How to Make Money on the Internet?

Many people, when they start to pick this question and are just looking to make money online as my first few bucks, make the same mistake the conventional. They did not initially perceive the Internet as a possible source of income on a regular basis.
This article is not one of the first on this site. It is quite fresh. I have about 8 months seriously'm better in this wheel. During this time using Computer tips, I finally managed to push through my site to the search index. Those of you who are already familiar with the promotion of know how hard it is to do.
In its work, I came to the conclusion that to people. For the most part, completely alien to the patience and the desire to learn something. But we were all want to find a sort of magic pill for all ills. Here, I'll give you a really a magic pill for a few thousand dollars.

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Pick up a gaming computer

"Computer Tips"
Today the computer plays a role not only of the workplace. This means that a great many people at the computer and still want to be entertained. At the forefront of those entertainments that can offer a modern PC, go computer games . But the problem is that many games may not meet the parameters of your machine. And if you want to play safely in the game industry news , you should choose a gaming PC .. So, by what criteria should be selected as a gaming computer? 
Most gamers know that 3D games, it is extremely demanding with respect to the system parameters. Only not everyone knows that the configuration of a gaming computer you can pick up a fairly wide range, and depending on your gaming preferences, sometimes you can even save on certain items. To begin, we will make a brief overview of the responsibilities of components taken separately gaming PC.

Monday 26 November 2012

Why Long booting computer?

"Computer Tips" Start up Probably the most popular problem is too many start up programs. The easiest way to see what is loaded and stop unnecessary programs from start up is to use MSConfig, just go to 

Start -> Run, type "msconfig.exe".

This will open a menu, from there select the Start up tab and remove the check mark from that program, which you do not want to load at start up windows. Extremely desirable, and the disable antivirus.

Friday 19 October 2012

How to Refill Ink Cartridges Yourself

More people are buying prefer inkjet printer rather than a laser. It is understandable because the inkjet printer has a number of advantages over its competitor. First of all is the price. Price inkjet laser level lower. The second quality printing. In inkjet printing quality is better, and there is the ability to print in color. In short order that would give preference to ink jet printer benefits abound. Buyer, prefer the ink jet printer, sooner or later begin to regret his choice. Minus first inkjet printer is that prolonged simple printer ink is dry. And that leads to the main disappointment of buying a new cartridge. Price it such that involuntarily conceived, it would cost me as office equipment repairs or buying a new printer.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Adapter to the notebook

Power supplies for laptops, often called "charging" or "charger" although this name is not correct, because apart from the functions they serve as a battery to power the laptop the other nodes. Therefore, there is a more accurate name, laptop power adapter , or just the adapter 220 volts. The main task of the adapter, make 220 ​​volts alternating current (by the way, is not always the best quality in our outlets) about 19 ​​volts DC voltage quality. "Nearly" because different brands and output voltage, although it may not be less than 12 volts, which have long been used in computers and laptops to power various devices.
All current adapters, be it a laptop SONY ASUS or another well-known company like, most caught on impulse circuit power supply, which has long been superseded "transformer". 

How to Speed ​​up Your Computer

Users who have a weak processor and a small volume of memory are often faced with a problem as the computer freeze, as well as I used to. You should not lose heart, I will help you to understand this problem. we'll  speed up the work and performance of your computer  with a few simple steps.

I am going to show an example Windows 7, since he worked on it, though in Windows Vista / Windows XP is almost the same procedure.